

In December 2019, the Hellenic Scientific Council for Information Society (HSCIS) with the active participation of the Greek Data Protection Authority (GDPA) and nearly all the Greek and a substantial number of European Universities take the bold step in opening up the term of e-democracy to its full potential and the new challenges. That is why, the 8th International e-Democracy 2019 Conference is focusing on “Safeguarding Democracy and Human Rights in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”.

Based on the focus and contribution of your organisation in the protection of personal data and privacy, as well as your role in educating and influencing, resolving problems and enforcing related policies and measures for e-democracy, we would like to address an invitation for participating and sponsoring our event. We feel that your contribution will be decisive in creating awareness and providing information on the technological, ethical, legal, and political challenges of the future as regards the technological developments and the new computing paradigms.

On behalf of the organizing committee of the conference,

Prof. Alexander Sideridis

Honorary Conference Chair


Sponsors from any country of the globe, apart Greece, should get in touch with the conference’s secretariat to get specific information since there are certain legal formalities regarding money transfer etc. Greek sponsors get information below:


  •  Send to companies and institutions abroad standard letters, envelopes, preliminary projects and tenders.

  •  View through INTERNET, fax, e-mail.

  •  Telephone Communication with companies and organizations for equity returns.

  •  Press releases on international, national, local and specialist press

  •  Press conferences of the presidents, the organizers and main sponsors.

  •  Articles recommendations and conclusions of the Court.

  •  Entries scientific and specialist press.

Communications Material:

  •  Application Form

  •  Envelopes

  •  Folder

  •  Badges delegates

  •  Invitations

  •  Final Program

  •  Internet Site

  •  Note Pads

  •  Posters

  •  Conference Proceedings

  •  Especially Banners space

  •  Material in electronic form


Under the Auspices – Gold Sponsor 10.000 € (State Organisation or Private Partner)

For the State Organisation to put the conference under the auspices of or for the Gold Sponsor provided the following benefits: Exclusivity (only one)

  •  Show logo(*) throughout the Congress printed material, the bodies corporate presentation space and Workshops

  •  Show Logo on Congress banners and Fairs

  •  Show logo on Congress website with hyperlink to the website of the organization / sponsor

  •  Honorary salute the Opening of the Conference • Promotional material folder / bag conference

  •  Full page advertisement in the Final Programme

  •  2 volumes of the conference Proceedings

  •  Free participation of 20 executives

  •  Presentation / Lecture topic of interest to the Congress

  •  Special mention in all press releases. Special mention in the beginning and end of the Conference

  •  Use of the name in advertising spots and on radio

(*)The logo Gold Sponsor or body to put the conference under the auspices of will appear in greater dimension relative to and in a position above the logos of other donors for all the aforementioned benefits

 Silver Sponsor 5.000 €

For the Silver Sponsor provided the following benefits:

  Exclusivity (only one).

  •  Show logo(*) throughout the Conference printed materials. Exhibitions and Workshops (folders, posters, program, bag).

  •  Show logo on Congress banners.

  •  Show logo on advertisements of Auditors.

  •  Show logo on Congress website with hyperlink to the sponsor’s website.

  •  Promotional material in the bag of delegates.

  •  Full page advertisement in the final program.

  •  2 volumes of conference minutes for free.

  •  Free participation of 10 executives.

  •  Presentation / Lecture topic of interest to the Court.

  •  Mention in all press releases.

  •  Statement at the beginning and closing of the Congress.

(*) The logo of the Silver Sponsor will be shown on a larger dimension compared with the logos of other donors than the Gold Sponsor or body will put the conference under the auspices of all the above benefits.

 Bronze Sponsor 3.000 €

For the Bronze Sponsor provided the following benefits:

  •  Show logo(*) throughout the Congress printed material of Workshops and Exhibition Stands (folders, posters, invitations, program, bag, budge).

  •  Show logo on the conference banner and Exhibitions.

  •  Show logo on advertisements of Auditors.

  •  Show logo on Congress website with hyperlink to the sponsor’s website.

  •  Promotional material in the bag of delegates.

  •  Full page advertisement in the final conference program.

  •  Free involving five executives.

  •  2 volumes of the Court’s practice for free.

  •  Presentation / Lecture topic of interest to the Court.

  •  Mention in all press releases.

  •  Statement at the beginning and closing of the Congress.

  •  Sponsor’s logo will be displayed in a smaller dimension compared with the logos of the Golden and Silver Sponsor or body will put the conference under the auspices of all the above benefits.

Sponsor Workshop 2.000 €

So far there are two (2) Workshops: For the Workshop sponsor provided the following benefits:

  •  Show logo(*) on all printed material of the administered Workshop.

  •  Show logo as Sponsor Support in Congress banners.

  •  Show logo on Congress website with hyperlink to the sponsor’s website.

  •  Area to distribute promotional materials at the entrance of the Golden administered Workshop.

  •  Advertising Material in folders of participants in the Workshop.

  •  Show Sponsor the advertisements of Auditors.

  •  Free participation of 3 members.

  •  Mention in press releases.

  •  Statement at the start and the close of business.

(*)Sponsor’s logo Workshop will show a smaller dimension compared with the logos of other sponsors of the Gold Sponsor or body will put the conference under the auspices of all the above benefits

Media Sponsors (Weekly / Daily press – Radio – Television)

Will undertake:

  •  10 advertisements on dates to be determined jointly by the / 10 advertising Radio / TV spot.

  •  Journalists visibility and coverage before and during the Congress.

  •  Tribute to the Court, contents, tasks, conclusions, the Workshop.

  •  For the communication sponsors provided the following benefits:

  •  Show logo(*) throughout the Conference printed materials, Exhibitions and Workshops (folders, posters, program, bag, budge).

  •  Show logo in the Conference banners.

  •  Show logo on Congress website with hyperlink to the sponsor’s website.

  •  Area to distribute promotional materials at the entrance of the Golden administered Workshop.

  •  Show Sponsor the advertisements of Auditors.

  •  Exclusive material.

  •  Free involving two executives.

  •  Statement at the start and the close of business.


Promotional material 500 €

  •  Banner

  •  Full-page registration, A4 full color, the volume of lectures / work of the Conference

Promotional material 400 €

  •  Bag / folder participants Promotional material 300 €

  •  Banner with a hyperlink on Congress website: Info: The final programme/Volume speeches printed and distributed to all conference participants. Also selectively sent to operators. Organizations, companies, and schools of space. Copies 1.500. Promotional material placed in each delegate bag and folder distributed to participants in Workshops. Expected number of bags / folders that will be given 300. The Conference’s website is operating from October 2016 and will remain after the Conference for at least two years. The website lists all the news and information regarding the conference. Expected number of visitors 20.000 for at least one year.

Product Exhibition Stand / Information

Granted upon request up to 4m2 per STAND Exercise price 1000 € / STAND

  • During the Conference will be held exhibition for business products and services, institutions, organizations and Univerities and schools from the area. This report is an excellent opportunity to view your activities on people of the area who will attend to attend the Conference.


  1.  All the above prices exclude VAT.

  2.  For advertisements, cost and responsibility to issue films and mock-ups charged to the advertiser. Exact specifications given by the Secretariat of the conference.

  3.  Upon confirmation of sponsorship, advertising registration or exhibition Stand paid by the client 50% of the total value of his choice. The balance shall be paid not later than 10 days before the start of Congress.

  4.  The choice of donor is based queue.

  5.  The Organizing Committee reserves the right to refuse sponsorship under conditions.

  6.  Sponsors, advertisers and exhibitors will communicate with the conference secretariat for information, orders, invoicing, payments and technical processes.


Reply Report
Prof. Dr Alexander B. Sideridis
Informatics Laboratory
Agricultural University Of Athens
Iera Odos 75, 1185 Athens GR
Tel: 0030 6945892006
Fax: 0030 2105294199

VAT number, Taxation Organisation

Type of Sponsorship Value in euro
(Excluding VAT) Please select
Under the auspices /
Gold, Silver, Bronze Sponsor
Other Sponsor
Sponsor Workshop
Media Sponsor

Type of Advertising Value in Euro
(Excluding VAT) Please select
Full-page registration, A4 / color process the volume of minutes
Promotional material bag / Conference Folder